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University of Miami - Coral Gables, Florida, USA

Panasonic Dynamic Canvas: The industry-leading streaming control solution

The broadcast industry has changed drastically – expensive TV production trucks full of high-end equipment are no longer needed to live stream the game. We have the state-of-art solution to televise your event easily and affordably, without the need for a TV crew.

Panasonic Dynamic Canvas offers a simple yet powerful solution for both broadcast linear and nonlinear (streaming). Whether you want to televise a sports game, graduation theater show or other entertainment event, we can help you build the right system for your unique needs, on your budget.

We are known for our technological innovation, and proud to bring you the industry-leading streaming control solution with the following benefits:

  • Seamlessly integrates world-class software platforms
  • Three-tiered system of pre-packaged kits that fit any budget
  • Delivers easy stat parsing and data integration solutions
  • Meets ESPN3-programming requirements
  • In-depth training for your staff to ensure a successful show
  • 24/7, 365 on-call and remote support
Our budget-friendly broadcast kits are designed to meet the industry’s quickly growing need for a straight-forward, powerful streaming control solution