Our Seven Principles
Panasonic's Seven Principles serve as a beacon for how we conduct our work.
To contribute to the development of society through business, it is essential for everyone to collaborate and work together with sincerity every day. Only when each organization sets its own high goals, its members understand them fully and make them their own, and there is teamwork based on mutual trust, can the goals of the organization and ultimately the development of society be realized.
Panasonic's Seven Principles
These are the principles that serve as the foundation for all the work we do.
Contribution to Society
We will conduct ourselves at all times in accordance with the Basic Management Objective, faithfully fulfilling our responsibilities as industrialists to the communities in which we operate. -
Fairness and Honesty
We will be fair and honest in all our business dealings and personal conduct. No matter how talented and knowledgeable we may be, without personal integrity, we can neither earn the respect of others, nor enhance our own self-respect. -
Cooperation and Team Spirit
We will pool our abilities to accomplish our shared goals. No matter how talented we are as individuals, without cooperation and team spirit we will be a company in name only. -
Untiring Effort for Improvement
We will strive constantly to improve our ability to contribute to society through our business activities. Only through this untiring effort can we fulfill our Basic Management Objective and help to realize lasting peace and prosperity. -
Courtesy and Humility
We will always be cordial and modest, respecting the rights and needs of others in order to strengthen healthy social relationships and improve the quality of life in our communities. -
We will continually adapt our thinking and behavior to meet the ever-changing conditions around us, taking care to act in harmony with nature to ensure progress and success in our endeavors. -
We will act out of a sense of gratitude for all the benefits we have received, confident that this attitude will be a source of unbounded joy and vitality, enabling us to overcome any obstacles we encounter.