Five ways sustainable technology influences wellbeing
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We often turn to technology to solve the greatest problems of our time. Climate change is no different, with sustainable technology becoming increasingly important. But can that tech also have a positive impact on our health and wellbeing? Read more and find out…
Sustainability-speak is everywhere and used by everyone – from brands and charities to governments and scientists. Let's take a step back and get on the same page, so we can all understand exactly what we're talking about.
The United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) defines sustainability based on a simple principle:
“Everything that we need for our survival and wellbeing depends, either directly or indirectly, on our natural environment.
“To pursue sustainability is to create and maintain the conditions under which humans and nature can exist in productive harmony to support present and future generations.”
Wellbeing is often used to describe our own personal sense of sustainability. How can we enjoy sustained fulfillment, comfort, health and happiness?
But what does the environment have to do with our wellbeing?
Global warming affects people in different ways depending on factors like where you live, your socioeconomic status, age, and gender. But there’s one thing that’s clear: it’s not a good thing.
Sustainable solutions are generally based on meeting common aims, ones that would improve the situation for people and planet. The Paris Agreement, which seeks to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and limit global warming, is just one example.
But these solutions also need to work toward less definitive goals that align with sustainable values. The UN’s Sustainable Development Goals are a framework of 17 target areas that provide “a shared blueprint for peace and prosperity for people and the planet, now and into the future.”
It’s clear that actively pursuing sustainable solutions can have a positive impact on both health and happiness. A 2022 Lancet report outlines that mitigation of and adaptation to climate change can be the biggest public health policy opportunity of the century. And the 2020 World Happiness Report found a strong correlation between achieving Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and improved quality of life.
So, when we talk about climate action, we’re also talking about improving people’s lives – something that aligns strongly with our vision for technology and innovation.
We will devote ourselves to the progress and development of society and the wellbeing of people through our business activities, thereby enhancing the quality of life throughout the world.”
Konosuke Matsushita
Founder of Panasonic
With that in mind, here are five ways sustainable technology can also influence our wellbeing:
1. Renewable energy storage can help reduce pollution and therefore improve public health long-term.
Both producing and burning fossil fuels is bad for our health due to toxic emissions and pollutants – and investing in renewable energy is a beneficial solution. But until recently, renewables have been challenging to store, preventing most economies from relying solely on them.
Hydrogen is an effective fuel that can be made using renewable energy by "splitting water molecules into hydrogen and oxygen ('green' hydrogen), or by extracting it from natural gas under conditions in which most carbon dioxide emissions are captured and stored ('blue' hydrogen)."
The effective storage of renewable energy through solutions such as Panasonic’s hydrogen fuel cells will enable its wider use and reliability. Plus, the switch from polluting fossil fuels is a welcome boost for our health and wellbeing.
2. Electric bicycles and similar public transport initiatives encourage more active lifestyles.
It’s no secret that more active lifestyles can be beneficial for our health. One study estimated a 1-year increase in life expectancy for workers who can cycle or walk their commute.
Effective public transport that embraces renewable energy can also lead to more activity and improved health outcomes. According to a Health Foundation report: “decarbonizing transport (through more use of hybrid and electric vehicles, and improving public transport, for example) and encouraging active travel will reduce illness and deaths from air pollution over the short and long term, and will have positive physical and mental health benefits through increased physical activity.”
Shared public bicycle schemes are just one innovation in the way we get around our towns and cities, making electric transport accessible to everyone.
3. Solar energy can help boost biodiversity and farming, improving our local green spaces and enhancing food production.
Another effective renewable energy source is solar power. Harnessing sunlight is a sustainable way to power our lives and keep us connected to the grid without fossil fuels. But they’re also proving to be beneficial when it comes to biodiversity – even providing shelter for wild animals and grazing livestock. So solar energy can improve animal wellbeing, but what about humans?
Because solar farms are often installed on fields and farmland, there’s minimal disruption to our green spaces – no concrete jungles, power plants or polluting machinery needed. And that’s where our wellbeing comes in. Exposure to green space is linked to improved mental health and reduced stress levels.
What’s more, the introduction of photovoltaic solar cells will bring more space-saving benefits to the realm of solar power.
4. Happiness and social development are becoming priorities for smart city development.
According to the European Commission, "a smart city is a place where traditional networks and services are made more efficient with the use of digital solutions for the benefit of its inhabitants."
If, as studies suggest, these benefits were focused on happiness and prioritized sustainable development goals, data and innovative planning could have an even greater influence on quality of life.
“To ensure smart policies follow the path of SDGs, considering citizens’ happiness a top priority in urban planning is required because it reflects cities’ livability and lifestyles of the present and the future.”
5. Energy-saving home appliances and gadgets can improve wellbeing, comfort and convenience.
Using less energy is an important step for improving public health and reducing our impact on the environment. Development of technology that uses less energy is just one way manufacturers can contribute to avoided emissions in society.
For example, while improving efficiency and using renewable energy, heat and water-source air conditioners are safer than fossil fuel alternatives. Plus, they can improve air quality and reduce allergens.
With Americans spending 90% of their time indoors on average, the quality of air in our homes and workplaces can have a substantial impact on our everyday comfort.
While the climate crisis can feel like an unimaginably large issue, small everyday changes and innovations are bringing rapid change to our cities, homes and technologies.
It’s likely we’ll continue to see more benefits of technology, both in terms of reducing our emissions, improving the efficiencies of our cities and enhancing our personal wellbeing.
Panasonic is excited to be part of that change, developing new technologies and solutions that align with our founder’s vision of making today better than yesterday, tomorrow better than today.